Showcase your company culture and commitment to employee wellness.
Begin Your Certification JourneyThis standard provides organizations with guidelines for managing psychosocial risks, enabling organizations to help prevent work-related injury and ill health and to promote wellness at work.
Achieving the HRCI Workplace Wellness certification demonstrates your organization’s commitment to workforce duty of care, signaling to current and prospective talent that your organization offers a healthy and supportive work environment. Benefits for this certification are realized by all—your employees and the organization.
The HRCI Workplace Wellness certification focuses on managing and minimizing workplace stressors to guard against negative human capital outcomes, reduce absenteeism, and enjoy higher levels of productivity, engagement, and retention.
Each organization has its own unique set of risk factors for its workforce. By implementing a continual improvement process that considers the risks, measures stress indicators, and tracks outcomes for the workforce, an organization demonstrates that it is dedicated to workplace wellness.
Your commitment to HR excellence and the employee experience speaks volumes. That's why HRCI offers digital badges for our Organizational Certifications, which are based on global standards and validate your company as an exceptional place to work.
These badges showcase your culture and commitment to excellence and are a powerful endorsement that help attract top-tier talent, retain high-performers, and increase market recognition.