The International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

ISO develops and publishes global standards widely recognized and accepted for ensuring high quality practices, processes, services and/or products. 

Who is ISO?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a global network of 168 national standards bodies, and through their members bring together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges. The most recognizable and noteworthy series of standards is ISO 9001 Quality Management.

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Certifications Built on ISO Standards

Why Certify Against ISO Standards?

For more than 65 years, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed and published over 22,600 international standards to improve product safety, organizational efficiencies, and use of new technologies. HR standards are part of this portfolio and are designed to incorporate continual improvement as a baseline for processes. All Standards are developed through experts representing organizations from all sectors and sizes to ensure the applicability of standards is universal. Standards are market driven and developed by global experts. Certifying with HRCI against ISO standards enhances the organization’s brand signaling to current and future talent and other stakeholders your organization uses consistent and fair processes in managing its workforce, and can be expected to enhance workforce experience and value creation for the organizational.

Which ISO Standards does HRCI certify against?

ISO 30414:2018 Human Resource Management: Guidelines for internal and external human capital reporting and ISO 30415:2021 Human Resource Management: Diversity and Inclusion

What are the benefits of HR standards?

HR standards lay the foundation for organizational success. Recently, a ruling from SEC has required organizations now submit Human Capital Management Disclosures to help stakeholders make informed investment decisions. The adoption of ISO standards (specifically ISO 30414 Human Capital Reporting) is believed by many CFOs to create a safe harbor for the recent ruling. Beyond this, HR standards help organizations ensure their processes and outcomes reflect effective and efficient use of human resources. As such, the standards also: Harmonize internal practices with organizational objectives, guiding human behavior within the organization. Provide opportunities to adapt and adopt practices to increase efficiency and return value to the organization. Allow leaders to analyze, learn from and objectively compare practices with other organizations across national boundaries and industry sectors. Promote awareness of policy among all stakeholders, providing additional support for HR practices. Create an internal and external community of HR practices that favor mutual understanding and better efficiency through a common practice. Organizations can improve workplace management and practices by adopting and implementing the ISO TC 260 series of HR standards. Moreover, organizations will see a return in value through increased involvement and engagement, thereby positively impacting the performance of the whole organization.

The leader in developing HR standards.

ISO appointed HRCI as its HR Secretariat to help lead and develop standards and practices for international HR management.

HRCI is the HR Secretariat, who is:

Setting the International Standard

“In keeping with HRCI’s role as the international leader in certification programs, we are excited to be selected as the ISO Technical Committee on Human Resource Management. Leading this initiative to develop standards and practices for international HR management is a natural expansion of HRCI’s responsibilities to the HR community,” —Dr. Amy Dufrane, SPHR, CAE, HRCI Chief Executive Officer

Protecting and Supporting Your HR Practices

"We are proud that HRCI is at the helm of standardization efforts that focus on human resources, which is often a vital factor in an organization's success. We are excited to see additional progress unfold that will protect and support the interests and vitality of companies, and their employees, on a global scale." —S. Joe Bhatia, The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) President and Chief Executive Officer